At A.Q.S. we know the automotive quality sector better than any other recruiting firm in the United States. Our unrivaled network of automotive quality professionals gives us the ability to bring the very best candidates to the interviewing table. We’ve made over 375,000 calls directly into the automotive quality field since we opened our doors in 1991. Recruiting is not just about digging through resumes. To be the best in 2013, you need a good sense of timing and you need to be able to spot superstar candidates open to new opportunities. On average, we present 2-3 candidates per customized search, resulting in superior placements. The right hire can increase productivity, boost morale, improve communication and better your relationships with your clients.
We do either contingency or retained searches depending your needs. If you have never worked with us, the best option might be to pit us against your other sources as a contingency search. We are confident in our experience, contacts and industry know-how. A.Q.S. strongly believes in placing the right people in the right positions and we have the tools to make it happen. Our initial consultation with you is free.