It’s Jon Molesky writing to you today. I’m the founder of this firm and have been recruiting exclusively in the automotive quality engineering field for the last 29 years. Here is the story as I see it:
Have you always wanted to live out West? Or are there now and love it….read on….
This position is a classic automotive quality engineer position running a fabrication facility within a larger complex. It reports to the Quality Manager (who I placed and is an exceptional person and mentor). You will have a healthy balance of duties from APQP (on through to launch) and beyond to customer contact and root cause analysis. We are not process or product focused at the moment. Therefore, the key ingredient is a deep knowledge of automotive quality customers and systems along with a great personality in dealing with people. (Sorry, if you have no automotive IATF-16949 experience, you will not be in the running for this position. My client needs someone who can hit the ground running.)